The 2009 NMSA banquet will be held at the Cotton Tree Inn in Burlington (same venue used last year).
Date: Saturday November 21 Time: 5:30 (tentative start time) Price: $40 per ticket (same as last year)
I will have tickets available for sale next week at Deming (stop by the Turner Racing Pit to purchase). In order to have an accurate headcount for the catering, tickets must be reserved/purchased by October 31st.
Have we talked to the hotel about a group rate for rooms. Always a good idea to stay the night after a party like that. Let me know what you find out. Thanks
Karma - What goes around comes around. Don't you worry you'll get yours.
DANG!! I thought chili bowl was in jan!! hmmm well gotta see what Im doing for sure then..had plans to go there but after cali I might be broke haha. Yes group rates would be good cause I know I celebrate pretty hard there