Hello Everyone!! I hope you are all ready to get back to racin', or at least really close. It's right around the corner now and I for one am so ready to get going again. I hope all of you have had a good (if there is such a thing) offseason and have enjoyed looking at these pics. These next ones I am almost sure are from Omak. If they aren't, please correct me, it's been a long time since we were there. I remember being up on the hill, and you can see in some of these pics where people are watching from. For those of you that never saw this place, all I can say is, "it was different", and the rocks, wow! horrible, everyone had to go find some sort of rockscreen in order to run there somewhat safely. Anyway, check it out and see ya at the racetrack in 18 days for playday! Waiting impatiently, Laura