PLEASE HELP! After Dirt Cup last Sunday, on June 19, 2005 my car driver Gary Vaughn returned my 1997 Doge Ram Truck, 1998 36' United Enclosed Hauler with my J&J Chassis Race Car with myu 410 Don Ott motor to my home in Arlington. Later that afternoon my Truck, Hauler, Mule and Race Car were stolen from my home.
I have attached a flyer with more details of my stolen property. Please take a look at it and pass out to everyone you know in the racng community.
If you have any infromation, please contact the Snohomish County Sheriff by dailing 911.
Or you can contact me on my cell at (206) 730-4116 or my office at (206) 367-6710 andmost evenings at (360) 474-1050.