Well I know I probably care more then most since he's my kid but thought I would share with everyone none the less.
There is a rather large article in the Bellingham Herald today about Tyson and how he's another generation of Lemley's starting to race. Plus it even previews it on the cover.
I am madly in love with the pic and wanted to make sure everyone knew. This is wonderful publicity for the track. Letting people know that even little kids can get involved. That we really are where family's come to race. If you don't buy the paper you can see it online at www.bellinghamherald.com
Karma - What goes around comes around. Don't you worry you'll get yours.
Tyson is loving it. Doesn't matter how the race turns out he gets out with the biggest smile. Nothing seems to discourage him which is good since he's a rookie.
Karma - What goes around comes around. Don't you worry you'll get yours.